How bookings work
When you find the treatment that you would like to book, click the ‘select a time’ button. This is where you choose when you appointment will be.
When you click on a time slot you’ll see the names of the available beauticians who are available at that time.
Choose the beautician and then select ‘Checkout’ if you only want to book that specific treatment, or select ‘Continue shopping’ to add another treatment to your booking.
Please note: If you are booking more than one treatment, please select a time slot that makes room for the other treatments you’re booking (the turnaround times are displayed on the treatment page). eg. If you book a 30 minute treatment for 10:00, then the time slot you must select for the next treatment must be 10:30.
Our beauticians’ calendars reflect their availability, and cannot accept double bookings, so you’ll see what times you can book.
Please note: bookings are not confirmed unless you complete the checkout process. This captures the payment and creates the booking in our calendar.